On the Horizon

ImageLooking forward is a great way to think about where you want to go.  That may seem like a fairly obvious statement, but to some, me included, it becomes easy to get focused on the here and now.  Living in the present definitely has its benefits, such as being present, but being mindful of what could be coming can bring plenty of excitement and energy too.  Admittedly, this blog and my adventure into twitter has been difficult.  I watch some people who seem to tweet every little nuance of their lives like everyone else’s lives depend on it, and it is that type of behavior that has repelled me from twitter for so long.  So luckily, someone more intelligent than I suggested I put together a list of future topics that I can blog about, in hopes of energizing my mind and getting me excited again for what is to come. So without any further delay, here is what you can expect in the coming weeks from this blog!

1.  How can I do this too?  Yes it is a continuation of what has already been happening here, but I think it is important to document and continue to try and be supportive of others who may choose to delve into the twittersphere.

2. How do I find others I can relate to and talk with on twitter?  The world can be a lonely place, and without some people who share similar interests, it can become easy to stop putting your message out there.  So how can we use tools and resources that twitter provides to find people beyond our immediate friends who may be easy to talk with and continue our conversations with?

Image3. Will someone famous ever read my tweet, or better yet, tweet me back?  This could do a little bit with who exactly you consider famous, but we will discuss some ways to catch the “famous” people’s eyes and perhaps get ourselves a shout out from them.

4. “I have something to say, but no one is listening” (How do i get more followers?) We will explore groups and delve deeper in hashtags and other ways to get our name out there and entice people to want to follow us and hear what we are saying.

5. Seriously, isn’t tweeting kinda stupid?  This is a question that still floats around in my mind.  I plan to be honest in my experiences and to give you some of my thoughts towards the importance of twitter, tweeting and the benefits of being in this world.  This post will wait for a while until I get my feet a little wetter.

6. More on how to speak tweet.  How to maximize your 140 characters, use hashtags, understand twitter etiquette and more.  Its not just about tweeting, its about being polite, respectful and maximizing those 140 characters.

7. I’m going to find someone who tweets ALOT!  And try to get them to answer a couple questions for me about why they do it, the benefits they have seen, and maybe some suggestions on how to become a voice to be reckoned with.

Image8. Has twitter brought people closer together, or has it just added to the noise & continued the reduction of face to face interaction?  Let’s be honest, we are living in a digital age and being saavy at using technology to help us be better communicators is important, but I can’t for a second sit here and say that any of it replaces the value of looking someone in the eyes and talking directly with them.  Has twitter added to the erosion of the face to face interaction, or has it connected voices that never would have crossed paths?  Could both be true?  We will discuss this idea.

9. The history of twitter.  Want to know more about the symbols, why only 140 characters, who is the genius who created this whole thing? I will try and provide some answers.

10. Do I really need to tweet in order to take advantage of what twitter has to offer?  Grazing on the tweets of others is a great way to find lots of information to sustain us.  Do you really ever need to tweet a single thing in order to find twitter beneficial?

Well, there you have it, 10 things that you can expect to read about over the coming weeks.  Hopefully this will keep you checking in for more.

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